Kobolds are curious subterranean creatures that have kept themselves hidden from the eyes of elves and humans alike. Despite the common misconception of their gross stupidity, rumors of great kobold civilizations are so prevalent amongst adventurers that they are now taken as truth. They are naturally very crafty and although their wiry bodies make them very agile, they are more delicate than many races and suffer from poor constitution. Kobolds also have very low morale, often fleeing a battle when the odds are against them. Kobolds have infravision and get a slight experience bonus. Kobold Commands: Identify Kobold Stats: Strength average Constitution below Dexterity excellent Intelligence average Wisdom excellent Charisma below Kobold Languages: Kobold 100% Kobold Misc Features: Time to heal 10 Infravision 1 Experience rate 120% Alignment evil Gender any |