Clan: The Unholy Order

Leader: Thaldor
Founded: June 09, 2004
Members: Abyssinia, Arrowbright, Frosty, Hakan, Hannak, Jesalyn, Kent, Lalli, Mericet, Mip, Muskard, Nemesister, Ping, Saga, Schism, Telien, Thaldor, Thekur, Tinkerbell, War
*Clan Symbol*
,-" || \ / || "-,
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: o ,' ||/\X/\|| ', o ;
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|| X ||
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jgs |(_/o\_)|

*Clan Motto*
The Unholy Order is symbolized by a large black cross.
We are a group dedicated not toward the hollowness of faith,
but to the sacredness of truth. We recognize that we are not
wholly sinless, so we take on the burden of humanity together.
Our cross connects each of us as we may choose different
branches. In the end, we are tied to each other and the desire
to stand firm in our beliefs, and crush those who oppose us.

*Clan Directions*
CNA, 10 n,6 e,10 n,10 n,4 n,u
once inside do s,ne,ne,e,s,e,e,e