=== Good Aligned Races ===
Centaur Mythic half-man, half-horse creature, ability to uncurse objects
Elf Intelligent and dextrous, resistant to magic and have infravision
Gnome Resistant to magic and have infravision, ability to alter weapons
Halfling Extremely dexterous with resistance to poison, ability to sneak
Pixie Tiny creatures that can dodge and charm enemies, resistant to magic
=== Neutral Aligned Races ===
Arakora Delicate and fragile, with unsurpassed mental powers
Dryad Nature loving tree nymphs
Dwarf Resistant to magic, have the abiltity to enhance and repair weapons
Giant Extremely strong and healthy, lower exp and sleeping rates
Human Average in all stats, ability to teleport between churches
Minotaur Intelligent, yet bull-headed, half-humans
Nymph Female nature spirits that are known for their beauty
Satyr Male spirits of nature known for their charisma
Troll Tall, powerful creatures that regenerate quickly
=== Evil Aligned Races ===
Drider Cursed drow who are now spider-like.
Drow Dark cousins to the elves, resistant to magic & infravision
Goblin Healthy with quicker healing and the ability to taunt enemies
Kobold Cowardly, flee from battles, infravision, identify ability, bonus xp
Ogre Strong, healthy, ability to bash enemies, rescue allies from battle
Orc Humanoid warriors, incarnates of evil
For more information on any of these races, see 'help '